Dandelion Launchers Set 2 (Stages 8-15)

Young Beginning Readers
Main product art for Dandelion Launchers Set 2 (Stages 8-15).
Reading Level
Interest Level
Ages 5–8
Ratings: Lexile 130-340
Pages: 5-7/8 x 8- 1/4, 8 pp. each
Purchase Options
Dandelion Launchers Set 2: 1 set of 16 books
Set 2: 1 set of 16 books
Workbooks and Accessories
Dandelion Launchers Set 2 Activities Workbook
Designed for young beginner readers ages 5 to 8, these books focus on combining letter sounds together to form CVC words. Each book contains fewer than 50 words.

Dandelion Launchers Set 2 (Stages 8 through 15) follows on from Dandelion Launchers Set 1 (Stages 1-7) and introduces longer words with 4 and 5 sounds and the sounds ch, sh, th, ck and ng.

Book 8a:CVCC
Book 8b: CVCC
Book 9a: CCVC
Book 9b: CCVC
Book 10a: CCVCC
Book 10b: CCVCC
Book 11a: ch
Book 11b: ch
Book 12a: sh
Book 12b: sh
Book 13a: th
Book 13b: th
Book 14a: ck
Book 14b: ck,wh
Book 15a: ng
Book 15b: ng, qu

This set of books has eight stages. It builds on the learning and reading experience the children have gained in stages 1-7. Stage 8 introduces longer words with four sounds. These words have adjacent consonants (consonant blends) where there are two consonants next to each other in a word (e.g. ‘l o s t’). Many children find this a challenge. Practice of word-building, word reading and reading games will help them learn to blend four and five sounds into words.

From stage 11 two-letter spellings (digraphs) are introduced. These include ch, sh, th, ck, wh, ng and qu. Children have already encountered two letter spellings in stage 7 with double consonants ff, ll, ss, etc. At stage 11 they learn that the two letters can be different but they still spell one sound.

Dandelion Launchers Set 2 Workbook
This spiral-bound, photocopiable workbook includes chapters referencing the 8 stages in the Dandelion Launchers Set 2 books. Each lesson starts with an overview of each new sound. The activities include word-building cards, fill in the missing sounds, word trail cards, matching lower to upper case, fishing game, sentence dictation, retelling the story, stepping stones game, and dice game. The chapters end with a reading certificate and a spelling assessment.
See Also...

These high-interest nonfiction topics parallel the existing Dandelion Launchers series and cover the alphabet letter sounds, double consonants, and consonant blends and digraphs.

Designed to appeal to young students at the very early stage of reading. These books focus on blending letters to form CVC words.

This set builds on the earlier Dandelion Launchers sets and focuses on two-syllable words.

Dandelion Readers Vowel Spellings Series Level 2 builds on Level 1 by introducing additional spellings for the vowel sounds introduced in Level 1.

Little Sprouts is a collection of engaging decodable books for beginning readers. The Sprouts Helper at end of each book helps educators guide students.

These sets continue with short vowels, expanded sentence length and 10 new irregular high-frequency words per set.